The Verge of the Playground, 2024

120"x 130"x 130”

Cotton rope, fabric, feather, stiffener, chain, hardware, galvanized steel, chain link fence

The Verge of the Playground, 2024

Inspired by the concepts of “play” and “playground,” The Verge of the Playground reflects the emotional duality of identity and belonging. The playground, where children learn about boundaries and social values, parallels the immigrant experience of navigating new environments—negotiating belonging and redefining identity. The installation is shaped like a carousel—a symbol of joy, yet restrained by suspended ropes and chains—highlighting the tension between fantasy and reality. Constructed from common materials, it reveals the labor and process that reflect the sentiment of life in transit and the continuous journey of self-redefinition of immigrants.

The work began in 2018 with pillow-like sack sculptures, impelled by the situation surrounding migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border. Over the years, the installation has evolved, with the playground becoming a powerful metaphor—a liminal space where resilience, adaptation, and self-discovery meet. Beyond political boundaries, I hope the work resonates with the universal experiences of exploration and the search for a new life, fused with the vulnerability and uncertainty we all understand.

The Verge of the Playground, 2024

Cotton rope, fabric, chain, hardware, galvanized steel, chain link fence

120”x1 30”x130”